Project Name: Shipkoo
Industry: Logistics
Service Period: 3 Months
Services: Web/Landing Page Designs, Outreach Campaigns
KPI: Number of Leads
Target: 30
Acutal: 57
Product/Services: Efficient, tech-driven logistics services for global ecommerce brands.
Client Industries: All B2B Industries Require sourcing
Client Regions: Worldwide except China
Client Firm Sizes: 10-1000
Client Titles: CEO, CFO, COO, CTO, CMO, Head of Logistics
Unique Selling Point: Their unique selling points include streamlined supply chain solutions, personalized customer service, and advanced technology integration. By leveraging these capabilities, they guarantee efficient and cost-effective delivery for global ecommerce brands.
Client Pain Point: Common client pain points in relation to supply chain solutions, customer service, and technology integration are inefficiency, high costs, and lack of personalized support, hindering smooth and cost-effective delivery for global ecommerce brands.